Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Something For Christmas Tag

Somthing for Christmas Tag
Got this off of Janalyns Blog, and thought it would make a fun tag! Hope you have fun!!!
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping Paper, our kids pick out the paper that they want Santa to use on their gifts. It makes it nice cause we don't have to label, and the kids know exactly which are theirs.
2. Real tree or Artificial? Always had a real one growing up, Dad always had a heck of a time getting it to stand up, therefore the swear words would fly LOL. Then Wes and I got a real one a few years in a row and he would also always have trouble getting it to stand right and swear words would fly, and screw drivers and the tree, so yes now we all enjoy putting up the artificial one and everything is very pleasant.
3. When do you put up the tree? Usually the Sunday before Thanksgiving but, this year we still need to buy one.
4. When do you take the tree down? After New Years, it's always a sad day when it has to come down.
5. Do you like eggnog? Only my Mothers homemade.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? a pink boom box when I was in 2nd grade. It had a double tape deck.
7. Hardest person to buy for? WES
8. Easiest person to buy for? Gracie!
9. Do you have a nativity scene? No, but I am determined to get one!
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail, I hope I get to them soon!
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? nothing comes to mind.....
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Elf....LOVE IT
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? pleading the 5th
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? You bet
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? My hand dipped vanilla cream chocolates!
16. Lights on the tree? are there people who don't put lights on a tree? i thought it was a given...
17. Favorite Christmas song? O Holy Night
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? We would love to go to hawii for christmas, when the kids are a little older
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Yikes...
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? neither
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? to many scrooges
23. Favorite ornament theme or color?red berries, I love them on the Christmas tree
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Ham, Mashed potatos, rolls....you get the idea
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? I have all I need
26. I tag. Those that have been good this year :)

Monday, November 24, 2008


This past weekend was FUN, PRODUCTIVE and BUSY!!! So to get it all in I'll do it in TEN!

Ten Things I did this weekend!

  1. Cleaned my Whole house Friday with the help of my sister Amber! Nothing better than getting the cleaning over with first!
  2. Took some much needed naps!
  3. Took Hayden out Saturday to lunch and clothes shopping. He is growing like a weed on Miracle Grow!!!
  4. Went to the hundred dollar store (Sam's) and spent way more than that on diapers and formula and a few other items that we needed.
  5. Spent a small fortune at Lees on Groceries. Even though I felt like I bought the store Wes still asks me "what the heck did you buy, I don't see anything to eat!"
  6. Sunday morning I got up and prepared the lesson for the Young Women.
  7. I also made a huge batch of chili and a big batch of Cream of Broccoli soup (Scratch, cause my mom always asks) I was in charge of the main dish at the Godfrey Family get together.
  8. I changed a ton of diapers cause Sophie has the stomach flu (poor baby)
  9. I talked to my dad, he told me about a very sad tragedy in his ward, that made me grateful for many things!
  10. I watched the season premiere movie of 24 my very favorite show ever!!! It's going to be a great season when it starts in January!

Nine things I need to get done between now and Thursday!

  1. Pick up a few more items at the grocery store
  2. get a Christmas tree and maybe some Christmas decor.
  3. make 2 pumpkin pies
  4. make 2 apple pies
  5. make 1 crab cheese balls
  6. 15 loads of laundry, no kidding!
  7. get my hair cut
  8. schedule some family photos
  9. Get Hayden's room company clean for Natelli's family!

Eight things I have already done this morning

  1. One load of dishes
  2. talked to grumpy kids in to going to school, I was like "Look you buggers, you only have 2 days this week, quit complaining!"
  3. Made a salad for Golda's Funeral
  4. gave Sophie a bath
  5. Talked to carol to order some Tupperware
  6. Talked Myself out of wanting a Volvo
  7. Looked at all the adds in the Sunday Paper
  8. Read Sophia and Meghan's blogs!

Seven Random thoughts spinning in my head

  1. It was so nice of Colette, Diane, Janalyn, Paige and Heather to put together a scrapbook for us, It is beautiful
  2. What is that smell?
  3. When should we go to Disneyland?
  4. Why am I reading such a boring book?
  5. OH CRAP the library books are WAY overdue!
  6. I need to exercise, what am I waiting for?
  7. I really am enjoying my baby!

Six Things I am hoping for in the net week

  1. Happy Children
  2. lots of energy
  3. a printer
  4. a new outfit
  5. SNOW!!
  6. A good game of Tripoly

Five things that are coming up in the next 14 days

  1. Thanksgiving
  2. Carson's Baptism, oh and Bradens :)
  3. Carson, Baden, Wade and Paiges Birthdays!
  4. Young Women in Excellence
  5. Ward Party

Four things I love!

  1. My Family
  2. Mashed Potato's
  3. My Lap Top
  4. a Smelly good house!

Three things that will drive me nuts!

  1. Whining
  2. Complaining
  3. Garbage on the floor

Two Thanksgiving Traditions from growing up

  1. Watching Indiana Jones and the temple of doom
  2. Listening to Christmas music all through the festivities

One thing I am praying for

  1. A family in Washington who lost everything they owned in a fire on Friday night, and even worse 2 little boys 10, 11 who didn't make it out. They are in my dad's ward. My heart goes out to them. I have no idea what I would have done if I would have lost any family members in the Tornado...unimaginable pain and sorrow I am sure. God Bless and be with you Lee Family ,in your time of Tragedy, I will pray for you to feel comfort and peace.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Friday is almost here...

...and it's been a great week! It really hasn't been much diff rent than any other week, but I am feeling better.

Monday I got myself to the doctor to take care of a few things, I hate going to the doctor it is such a chore. So I am very glad to be done with that!

Tuesday Night was Young Women. For our activity we decorated cookies and took them out to the Single Seniors. We took out at least 20 plates. It was so fun, I just wish we would have had more time to visit with them, they all wanted to invite us in to visit. As I was driving around a loud load of kids, I had the most peaceful feeling come over me, like at that moment in time I was doing exactly what the Lord wanted me to be doing...it literally brought a tear to my eye and gave me chills galore. It was a humbling experience.

Wednesday night was Bunco! It was a blast. Our host Natalie made fabulous food, I didn't win any of the big prizes but it was still a great time. I am so glad I went. Lately I have distanced myself from people, not on purpose. I just think as I have been trying to pull my life together i have felt incapable of being able to be a good friend. Sounds weird, I am just glad that several of my friends have not given up on me, it means a great deal.

Today, we got word that the insurance check is in the mail...OK people I am not going to complain. I just hope that you all will check your policies, and make some type of record of the contents of your house. I would try to prove them at least 2 ways, every item. We are getting 1/5 of our contents policy because of depreciation and the fact that I could in no way prove alot of our contents. You know what though....I don't care I just want it over and done...now we can move on. I was talking to my mom about it tonight. It's wrong that the insurance companies can fleece people in this way, but, life goes on and I can't dwell on it. The reality is we were hit by an ef5 tornado, we have to except that we aren't going to recover everything we lost, it's part of our trial, it wasn't meant to be easy. We are have been given a gift, we were blessed that we all made it through alive and unscathed. We have also received so, so much from family friends and even strangers. We are so thankful.

Tonight we will sit down and watch our favorite shows together, that is my favorite thing to do on a Thursday night. It's been a great week. YAY! Have a great Friday everyone ~E

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Postpartum Depression + Post Traumatic Stress = ME!!! I shouldn't joke about it, but, it's my reality and that is how I deal. I was really hoping not to have to deal with the Postpartum this time, but it has creeped up on me...anyway...Why the confessional? Well, my friend Avry did a list of gratitude on her blog and tagged anyone who reads it. These lists are very therapeutic for me so I am going to my list of 20 Gratitude's. I know I do this alot, bear with me as I try to get through this season in my life ; )


  1. I have a nice dinner almost finished in the oven!
  2. My surprise baby girl Sophie
  3. My husbands jokes
  4. My knowledge that I am a child of god
  5. Brad Paisleys funny lyrics that make me laugh when I here one oh his songs
  6. Hot water!
  7. good books
  8. my country
  9. my friends
  10. my dog
  11. my trials
  12. my parents
  13. my choices
  14. Hayden's Giggle
  15. Gracie's Eyes
  16. potatoes
  17. Wes job
  18. target
  19. The Office
  20. the Sunrise

Thanks Avry it's always nice to reflect....I tag who ever needs to be uplifted. ~E

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Interview with Gracie.....

So it's Saturday night and I have decided to interview Gracie:

How old are you? 7

What is your favorite Food? Let's see, Lasagna.

What is your favorite thing to do? Jump on the tramp!

What is the most important thing in your life at the moment? That I have people to play with.

Do you like going to school? kind of...

What do you like about school? Recess.

Do you like to read? Yes!

What color is your hair? Strawberry Brown.

What color are your eyes? Brown

What do you want to be when you grow up? a normal teacher

What is your favorite TV show? Dora, Just kidding! The Suite Life of Zack and Cody.

What is your favorite toy?My white board.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Disneyland.

What do you love the most about your dad? He is sweet.

What do you love the most about Hayden? Nothing....jk....um....sigh...He is sometimes sweet, but sometimes mean.

what do you like the most about your mom? She is nice

what do you like the most about Sophie? she is funny

What is your color? um...blue, purple, brown

Who is the coolest person on earth? Me! big laugh!

What is your favorite song? Enya, Wild Child...

What is your favorite Holiday? Christmas .

Why? Cause it's Jesus' birthday and I get some toys.

What is your favorite primary song?Book of Mormon stories

Are you ready to be done with your interview?Yes, cause I am tired!

I am also for the heck of it adding some more pictures of Hayden hiding from the camera...what a little Turkey....I love him though. Oh funny thing about him. Today he was getting his lunch ready to eat and instead of asking for the salt he said "Where is the sodium chloride? He is so Brainy....I was like...huh?

The pictures of Sophie are while I was making dinner...she loves to kick it in her highchair and watch me cook, what a good baby!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Good News

1. Wes cleaned my whole house yesterday while I was in Ogden at the doctor!!!

2. Sophie really likes to eat rice cereal

3. We got a bit of good news from our insurance, we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!

4. Christmas is only 42 days away!

5. FM 100 is playing Christmas music all day long

6. I Finally finished a book!!! ( I have not done this since Sophie was born)

7. Wes and I took Gracie to see High School Musical Saturday and she loved it. We let her pick where to eat, it was like a real date!

8. I finally ordered a usb cord for Wes Ipod that I am going to take over!

9. 24 one of my favorite shows is going to be starting soon!

10. After skipping last year, I am very excited to say I will be making chocolates this year!!!

These pics are of Gracie on our date...isn't she a doll?

Monday, November 10, 2008

On a MUCH needed lighter side.....45

I received these 45 questions in an email from Paige, so I thought I would use them for my entry today...there are 2 numbers missing, can you find which ones they are? ....have a happy Monday and SMILE ~E

1. Do you like blue cheese salad dressing? Blue = mold, so NO!
2. Have you ever smoked? Um, when I was 9 my cousin dared me to “smoke” an old butt that was on the ground…Does that count….ewww gross I know!
3. Do you own a gun? Nope
4. What's your favorite drink at Starbucks or other specialty coffee shop? Something frothy with whipping cream
5 Do you get nervous before doctor appointments. Not really, but I hate going!
6. What do you think of hot dogs? As long as they are all beef, I love, love , love them!!!
7. Favorite Christmas song? All of them!
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? nothing
9. Can you do push ups? A girl one
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My wedding ring
11. Favorite hobby? Someday….
12. Do you have A.D.H.D? a noooooo
13. What's one trait that you hate about yourself? Chub-a-bubba
14. Middle name? Marie
15. Name 3 thoughts right now? Do I hear my bed calling my name? I need to go get my blood work done. I love the rain.
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? water, water, and water
17. The friend you had the longest? Not sure
18. Current dislike right now? Allstate
19. Favorite place to be? Snuggled in my bed with my fam
20. How did you bring in the new year? sleeping
21. Do you like to travel? Yes
22. Name three people who will complete this? zilch
23. Do you own slippers? Huh, no
24. What color shirt are you wearing? GREEN
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? No I think I would sweat to death
26. Can you whistle? Not as good as Wes
27. Favorite color? RED
28. Would you be a pirate? Only if Orlando bloom and Johnny Depp were my mates!
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don’t have time to sing, my showers are short and sweet
30. Favorite girl's name? Gracie and Sophie
31. Favorite boys name? Hayden
32. What's in your pocket right now? No Pockets at the moment
33. What is the last thing that made you laugh? Sophie taking a pee on me
34. Best bed sheets as a child? I have no idea
36. Do you love where you live? I am adjusting
37. How many TVS do you have in your house? Pleading the 5th
38. Who is your loudest friend? WES
39. How many pets do you have? 1
41. What is your favorite book? That’s a hard one…
42. What is your favorite candy? Depends on my mood….but for sure not chocolate
43. Favorite sports team? Well, I really don’t know…I cant stand Jason Brady though…or coby bryant
44. What were you doing at 12a.m. last night? Watching classic vh1
45. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? Open your eyes, Open your eyes, Open your eyes!

Friday, November 7, 2008

It's my favorite day of the week FRIDAY! I have 2 little girls that have a touch of the flu, not fun! I was supposed to go on a weekend with a bunch of friends but it is not going to happen. I am hoping that everyone will start feeling better so that we can have a little fun this weekend. Gracie is dying to see High School Musical, so Wes and I promised to take her on a date to see it. Maybe tomorrow night. We thought we would let her pick where to go eat then go to the show.

I have spent this week still trying to rap up insurance. what a nightmare. I am sure you are all so sick of hearing this from me so I won't go any further than to say...why do they have to victimize the victims.

I had a fun lunch with my mom and sister amber on Monday. we went to El sol. They both looked very cute. We gabbed and ate, and ate and gabbed. I am all for last minute lunch dates.

I am getting sooo excited for Christmas. This year it will not be hard to shop for the kids, because they don't have anything! Wes will be pretty easy too, YAY!! I can not believe it is almost the middle of November! Is it just me or does time fly...sheesh!

We had parent teacher conferences last week. Both of my kids are doing great! What a relief. I am so proud of them both. Wes and I were talking the other day, and he asked me to think back to being their age, having to move to another state, moving 3 times before being settled, watching their dog drowned in the river, loosing everything they owned in a tornado and having a new baby sister all with in 9 months time.....I started to cry thinking about it all through their eyes...but ya know what...they are amazing wonderful little people, they have never...never complained of pitied themselves...not once, I need to learn from them. I sure love them.

I hope you all have a nice weekend ~E

Monday, November 3, 2008

It's been a while!!

I don't know if it's because I have been busy, or if it's because I have bloggers block, but I really have been lacking here on my blog. So I will play catch up today!

Yesterday: Wes stayed home with the kids from church cause everyone had colds. I went to teach my lesson. I am not a fabulous teacher I have decided, but in the spirit of my lesson, which was on Individual worth and loving yourself and others, I will say I think it went well.I have to admit though that I feel the lesson was more for me than anyone else....I have a hard time liking me, I really should work on it because as I learned teaching the lesson, I am a child of God, and he created me. How can I not love something he created. I also learned that if I humble myself, ask in prayer, and have faith, Heavenly Father will guide me through my journey, and help me over come my inperfections.
When I got home from church I was surprised with a clean house and dinner. Wes made Salmon for us. It was tasty. Then last night as a family we all watched our faveorite show Storm Chasers on Discovery Channel. Sadly Gracie still gets physically sick when she sees tornados.

Saturday turned out busy for us. We went to a little reunion with a bunch of friends from high school. It is amazing to me how much time had gone by since we had seen everyone. We had a great time!

Halloween: Well, I ended up doing more tornado paperwork all day. We had a FEMA deadline I needed to meet. I was bummed. I felt like such a crappy mom cause I didn't make it any fun for my kids. I was also super sick with a bad cold. The good part of the day was, i got to take dinner to a friend, we ate dinner at my moms,and i think the kids had fun. please excuse my punctuation, as i am holding sophie with one hand, and typing with the other!

very nice day! wes and i were able to attend the temple for a sealing of some very good friends. it was an honor to be there, we felt so blessed to have been able to witness it. We then hadthe ward party to attend...the kids had a blast.

so thats all thecatch up for now...sophie has other things on her agenda...have a nice day ~e