Exercise Journal

July 26, 2013
Nancy for time
 5 rounds:
400m run
15 front squats @65lbs

July 25,2013
7 10 13 16 13 10 7
Push Ups
Kettle-bell Swing  35lbs
200m run on even rounds
1 mile Jog/Sprint workout the SV track
Clean and jerk EMOM for 12 minutes
3 hang cleans 1 jerk increasing Load 3x's

Pull Ups:
Max training sets 60 sec rest 9+ sets add 1 rep

July 24, 2013
13 min AMRAP
5 Burpees
10 Wall Balls
15 3:1 Double Unders
finished 8 rounds

1 mile run
3x5 back squats 95lbs

3x10 dead lifts 95lbs

Pull Ups:
3 training set (4) normal grip
3 training set (4) narrow grip
3 training set (4) wide grip
60sec rest between sets

July 23, 2013
15 SDHP 35lb
400 m run
30 sit ups no arms

interval row (6 intervals)
1 min on, 1 min off
Alternating full body row & arm row

Pull UP WOD:
Pyramid 1,2,3,4, ext. until rep is missed 10 sec rest between sets Green Band

July 22, 2013

Pre-WOD warm up: None

WOD: 12 min AMRAP
3 Clean &Jerk 65 LBS
6 Pull-Ups Green Band
9 Box Jumps 20in
6 rounds + 1 clean & jerk

Post-WOD : Pull Ups
5 Max Effort Sets
90 Sec Rest
Black Band

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