Tuesday, October 28, 2008

tHingS i loVe 101

  1. Red
  2. soPhieS SmiLe
  3. RaiNy daYs
  4. FriDaYs
  5. JesUs
  6. saLmOn
  7. a CleaN hOusE
  8. ReadIng
  9. DiSney LaNd
  10. gReEn BeanS
  11. GerBer DaisEys
  12. camP firEs
  13. HaYdens GiGGle
  14. mY beD
  15. InDoOr PlumBing
  16. LauGhing
  17. poP CorN
  18. fReSh Cut grAsS
  19. PilatIs
  20. mY laPtoP
  21. EBAY
  22. silence
  23. thE OffICE
  24. MagnoLia TREES
  25. AutuMn
  26. GracIe's aTTitude
  27. hoLidaYs
  28. The fIrsT SnoW
  29. THE Temple
  30. sPrite wiTH VAniLLa
  31. butter
  32. reMemiNicing
  33. wes' JOKeS
  35. walks
  36. SilEnCe
  37. GraCie's Hair
  38. marShMeLLows
  39. tHe SmeLL of CoFFee
  40. wood floors
  41. ChriStMas TrEEs
  42. ColDplaY
  43. ThinkIng
  44. CuddLing With My Dog
  45. HaydEnS BraIn
  46. Old Barns
  47. EnCyclaPedias
  48. NetflicKs
  49. SingiNg HYmNs
  50. Maple TREEs
  51. MoMs Fried CHIckEn
  52. TeaSinG
  53. HaYlEY
  54. PePPerminT TeA
  55. late night talks in bed
  56. mamma mia
  57. my dad
  58. my mom
  59. AnGELs
  60. DisCoVERy ChaNNel
  61. UseLess INforMation
  62. giving
  63. recieving
  64. Amber Dancing
  65. NAtelli JoKing
  66. RanCh DressiNg
  68. skipping
  69. PlayIng TripOli
  70. SaMs club
  71. HaMpton Inns
  72. Leather
  73. AmberS SpellIng
  74. Grandma Joan
  75. KiDney Beans
  76. CrushEd Ice
  77. Old PeoPle
  78. my moms bikE
  79. Windy Days
  80. the garbage man
  81. wes' job
  82. motherhood
  83. ModErn Medicne
  84. holistiC MedicIne
  85. MounTains
  86. CleaN Water
  87. email
  88. insUraNce
  89. my kids' friends
  90. strawberries
  91. pacifiers
  92. electricity
  93. faith
  94. the goodness of people
  95. cheesecake
  96. my in-laws
  97. colettes house
  98. band aids
  99. heavenly father
  100. music
  101. each day....is a gift

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Gooly Menu and a Pretty Funny Dinner!

Tuesday Night was our combined Young men young women activity for the month. Young women were in charge so as leaders we decided it would be fun to serve the kids and the Young Men Presidency. There is a catch though, our food was all named yucky gross things, the food was real, and it was good, but they just didn't know what they were ordering off the Menu.

Gooly Menu

1.Broken Bones
2Vampire Killer
3Ogre Snot
4fruits of the forest
5green Goblin Skin and pus
6Pumpkin gutter
7Ghost spirit
8Witches Poop
9Eyeballs and inner'ds
10crows feet.T

Doesnt taht all sound delightful, well they had to order in 3 courses. They could not get the next course unless they ate everything they had in the previous course. Now the funny part is that the fork, spoon, knife and napkin are included on that menu. But if you didn't order it you didn't get it....LOL The Young Men Pres. got his fork, spoon and napkin for his last course....poor guy had to eat with his hands. Here is the real menu

1. garlic bread
2 knife
3.vegetables in a cup with ranch
4 Lime Rikki Drink
5 green salad with dressing
6 spoon
7. napkin
8. Ice cream with a cookie
9 spaghetti and meatballs
10 a fork

So it was entirely possible to get your dessert first and main course last. It turned out really fun, there was alot of laughter and giggles.

Julie our Young Women President did a mini lesson after, which I loved. She based it on Stimulus vs reaction. In between the two we have a few seconds to make a choice about how we are going to react instead of reacting automatically. She also talked about choice and accountability and how at very young ages (teen age years) we are faced with choices that have potential to affect our whole lives. Wow, I never looked at it that way. and how all we have to do is think for a quick second and it could make a big difference in our futures.
She ended with this scripture from the Book of Mormon .

2nephi 10:23

Therefore, cheer up your hearts, and remember that ye are free to act for yourselves—to dchoose the way of everlasting death or the way of eternal life.

It was a success in my eyes, I hope the kids had fun.

I pampered myself in a way today and it was entirely worth it!!! I paid to have my house cleaned, It was so bad I didn't even know where to start. So right now I am sitting in an almost germ free house loving life! I wouldn't have been able to get anything done today anyway cause my little Sophie has a temp of 103, she got her shots yesterday, if I don't get a hold of it we will be seeing the doctor this weekend. tomorrow is my 12 year Wedding anniversary!!! I have know Idea if we will get out on a "DATE", but just sitting down to watch a movie with Wesley is good enough for me. That all for now folks ~E :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

shout out to my POPS

Hey dad, just wanted to let you know all is well here. I have just been to busy to blog. here is a quick rundown going from present to past...

Gracie is doing homework at the moment
Hayden is playing with sophie
Wes is at a business dinner
I am pondering
Oscar ran away for an hour tonight....we all went crazy looking for him
Yesterday I made 120 meatballs and spagehtti for the young men young women mystery dinner I will blog about this in the future....I cooked all day..no kidding!

Hey dad I miss you, hope we will get to see you soon. Hope you are doing well love you ~E

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Great Read

Click here to read about our local high school football team in Iowa where we lived. It Gives wes and I strength to know that there are others overcoming thisgreat trial and turning it into a positive.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I sure would like to get to the point where I am living in the middle....ya know? Is it really possible to live your life in the center of things, sheesh. I feel like most of my life is extreme in one way or the other. Let me just share a few of my "extremes".
First a disclaimer: I blog as therapy for myself, I blog as to leave a record for my posterity, I blog for myself and no one else, that being said, I always am aware of the fact that others can view my blog, so I try not to blog about things that are too personal, if you feel I have crossed this boundary, please feel free not to read my blog anymore. Love ya!
Here is my list :
My house, either super clean or super freaking out of control messy.
My eating, I either don't eat all day or eat way to much
Exercise, all out or nothing at all ( mostly because if I am not sweaty and sticky and soar, I don't feel like it is worth my time.)
I love to read, but, I only do it if I know I have 10 hours to finish the book, I hate to start things and not finish.
cleaning (obviously this is on my mind) unless you are going to clean it with bleach what is the point.
Some folks have a problem with spending to much money on themselves, I am the opposite. I went out yesterday with the intention of buying something for myself, i can't do it... i bought groceries instead.
I have always wanted to see a tornado, key word being see, so i have one wipe my house out instead....
I think you all see where I am going here....kind of sounds bipolar...lol...anyways, I have been thinking about all this for the last couple of days, wishing for some normalcy, not sure if that's a word. But, without all these extremes, Erin would not be Erin....I could probably benefit from stream lining a few, and believe me I have only listed a few, but if I changed them all, I wouldn't be who I am. We all are extreme in ways, it makes us individuals. Good or Bad, but it makes life interesting. Life is better when it's not boring...just my thoughts...~E~

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

YAY...Weekend Starting Early!!!

kids are out of school Thursday and Friday do to UEA! So today is kind of like Friday...my favorite day of the week! I have alot to do today, then hopefully we can think of some fun things to do this weekend. H still feels pretty crappy though.

Ten fives:

to do today

  1. read in G class
  2. take H to doc appt
  3. get over my feelings being hurt yesterday and move on
  4. download stuff from hard drive that was recovered from tornado
  5. take YW to volleyball and try to coach them?....

things I can't live without

  1. brush
  2. pine sol
  3. my bed
  4. w
  5. kids

things that make me a little crazy

  1. flies
  2. oscar
  3. germs
  4. driving
  5. whiney kiddos


  1. excited about the weekend
  2. worried that I won't get everything done
  3. annoyed that I can't find anything cute to wear
  4. happy again, no school tomorrow
  5. thoughtful, I am kind of wondering if I should take a blogging break?

Places I would love to be

  1. sleeping in my bed!
  2. reading on a beach
  3. on a walk
  4. disneyland
  5. right here

Last tv shows I watched

  1. fringe
  2. amazing race
  3. samantha who
  4. worst week
  5. survivor

great things about h

  1. he's got a very smart sence of humor
  2. he always is concearned about others
  3. He can always make s smile
  4. he looks just like w, in his words "a cloning experience gone bad"...funny
  5. he has better grammer than me...is that good?

great things about g

  1. her laugh when she is teasing someone... a little evil
  2. her eyes
  3. her mischievious sence of humor
  4. her energy
  5. her love for s

great things about s

  1. good eater
  2. good pooper
  3. good smiler
  4. funny laugher
  5. she loves us all

good things about w

  1. he is super funny
  2. hard worker
  3. loves us
  4. hotty
  5. did i mention he is funny

Have a nice day people ~E

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

One of those days....

ever had one of those days when you need to get stuff done...but you really just would rather ...not? I made a fabulous dinner last night, Fried Chicken and mashed tates. This is one of the faves around here...I don't make it often because the clean up is outrageous (spelling?). I am looking at the mess, trying to talk myself into cleaning it up, I am not being very persuasive with myself!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Another Picture

This Picture was from our Wedding day. When I got married I wasn't into fancy things. So, my decorations were a bit informal. My official wedding colors were navy blue and Pale yellow. I couldn't really decide on a certain flower, so I did wild flowers. If I were to do it all over, now that I am older it would be decorated so much diffrent. Honestly, I wouldn't have had a reception, probably just a nice wedding dinner....funny how taste change. On my Wedding Day, I was very pleased with all the decor...and that is all that counts now, right?


Gracie: MOM! Wake up! It's foggy! Is school cancelled?!!!
Me: Sorry Gracie, we aren't in Iowa anymore. In Utah school is Never
cancelled due to weather.
Gracie: Oh poo.

It is freezing! Of course our heater is on the fritz!!! It is 58 degrees in my house. I like things cool, but not that cool! Oscar can't stop Shivering, he would not be a good out door doggy!

Yesterday was Hayden's worst day by far, we made it through, and things should be looking up. I am still so happy about getting my insurance done, I need to throw a party I think!

I am starting to feel the itch to start decorating. I just can't make up my mind about how I want to do it. I love red and I really like the colors my paint are now...but I am afraid they are not hip anymore LOL. I also still really like the french country look, but again, I think it is on it way out or was like forever ago...hmmm I need to get some magazines I guess.... maybe I will put it to a vote. On second thought maybe not.

Not much to blog about today, hope your Monday goes well people ~E

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Check it out! Snow!!! Here are Ten reasons this is exciting.....

1. Soon we will have less flies to SWAT!!

2. The Holidays are coming!

3. I can start thinking about dipping chocolates!!!

4. Christmas is just around the corner!

5. soup, soup and more soup!

6. shopping!!!

7. Christmas music

8. Happy people ( Christlike spirit)

9. Remembering Christ

10. being with family!!

Unanswered Prayer....

I've been thinking alot lately about how life has changed so much in the last year. Especially from May 25Th. Some changes are very hard to swallow, but the good out ways the bad by far; we are better people now, stronger, humbled, more faithful. Far more Grateful for the little things, little moments, every breath given. We realize life is short, we need to make each day count. Things can change so quickly.

Something that I think about everyday, is an unanswered prayer that day, offered by me, cried out loud in fear. There were actually 2 prayers that day given by me, both at the same time. The other one was answered. The other was a prayer of the heart, quiet pleading that I am so grateful was answered.

I knew it was coming, I knew that the Tornado was coming. I felt something the whole day. Something was off....I monitored the weather all day long. I was calm, going into the storm room I felt safe. Wes offered a prayer that made us all feel calm. But, When the storm was over us, and I could feel the pressure, and I was breathing in falling concrete. The fear of a mother came upon me...I screamed out a prayer asking the Lord to please take us all, please don't leave any of us alive without the others. Thoughts ran through my mind, flashed of my kids being left without Wes or i or both of us gone.....I asked this prayer in fear. In my heart another prayer was asked simultaneously as the other...please let us all live...this prayer was heard, it was loud and clear, it was a pleading in faith...it was answered. I have struggled, I have felt shame for letting the fear get to me. I have struggled with the fact that I asked for us to die. My son heard this prayer, he heard me ask for this. Something I didn't even know until our counseling session. I am sooo grateful the prayer of my heart won out, I am so grateful the Lord saw my faith through my fear. We are all alive. i am grateful for Wes' strength and for his faith, for his prayer.

My family and I are grieving, we are sensing loss, we are healing. Life changed that day. We can't even explain it....it is not easy, especially because we had to move so quickly. I wonder if it would have been easier being around others who knew what we had been through. Our friends and family and community have been great. I have no complaints, only gratefulness. But, we are having a hard time, connecting, expressing our loss. It's hard to just step right back into life with a smile. I pray for help and guidance. I pray for my kids to only take away the positive. I know Heavenly Father will hear me and do what is best and needed for us.

I am grateful for my unanswered prayer that day. I am grateful for my life and for the precious lives of my family....I will never take life for granted. I will never take my children for granted. I will never take my faith for granted. Amen

Friday, October 10, 2008

Done....Finished....Ready for a New Chapter

As I type, Wes is loading up a truck with the rest of the salvaged items from our life prior to the Tornado...gut wrenching...but time. I sent off all the insurance paperwork I have been working on, today. YES!!! I am so ready to be done with insurance companies, I am sure I still have a little to do but the bulk is done!
This weekend I will clean with no worries about anything! *big sigh here*

I am seriously wondering how big this storm that is coming right for us is going to be, will it really snow? When I think of snow I get a little bit excited! I still need it to be Autumn for a bit longer though....

Hope everyone has a nice Friday ~E

"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." — Friedrich Nietzsche

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Ok, the clock is ticking I have to have all insurance stuff in mail tomorrow, maybe tonight. Side note here, for all you folks who think your possessions are covered on your home owners, they are not. Unless you can prove what you had, you will see nothing. The insurance company we went through will make out like bandits on our case, cause lots of my proof is in the Land of Oz!

My List-
Laundry, Laundry and more Laundry

Go make copies of all content lists and 7 yrs of bank statements

Highlight and cross reference contents list, bank statements and snapshots (thank heaven 2 weeks before tornado the holy ghost told me to get our photos into the storm room, cause that is all the proof I have, thank goodness I listened.

go copy and print photos

put everything in dhl envelopes and send

wash my hands of insurance and be prepared to get nothing from them

It's time, to take everything we salvaged to the dump, I am shaking just as I type this. It has been really hard the last few days to go through everything, every time I look at something I miss in pics, or see pics from the day before tornado and how we were so happy, or see the portraits (what is left of them) it is like a knife in the chest. i am soo ready to move on. It will be good to finally be done and say good bye to the ruins. I took pics of it and I will tuck them away and look at them when I ever I need a little humbling. We are alive and we are so blessed.

I am making manicotti from scratch, hoping Hayden can handle it.

I will attempt to clean al little! It is going to snow Saturday so I want a clean house so that i can read all day, in my dreams right/ A girl can dream.....;)

Ok love ya'll ~E

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wide Awake

It is officially tomorrow so i guess I'll blog. It's 12:35 AM and I am wide awake....I think I am so tired that I can't sleep. I have so many things running through my mind.

Tonight was Young Womens. We tied to baby quilts. The girls did awsome! I think all of the girls in my ward are fabulous. I always am in such a great mood when I get home. These girls are great examples to me. They are growing up during such harsh times, but also exciting times. They all strive to let their light shine, amazing girls, who all have a very strong faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I am so grateful to be able to serve them!

Sophie has dicovered her hands! oops I slipped, Lollie, ya know I think I will forgo the nick names, I can't keep real names straight, the nick names are killing me! Anyways...back to sophies hands. She pulls her binkie out the second it goes in! Then she can't put it back in her mouth, it makes her so mad!

Because I have 1/2 hour left before I need to go check on Hayden, I have time to add a pic of me and wes. To go along with it I think I will write about our very first date, here goes...

Feb 4th 1995

We were set up by all of our friends. We both happened to be 3rd wheels while all our best friends were dating each other. So what the heck we might as well go out on a date so we don't have to feel left out. I knew I was going on this date for 5 days before he actually got the nerve to ask me out, the night before, I was like yeah, I'll go, I was going anyway even if you don't ask me. So I woke up the day of with the worst cold ever. I was so sick. I remember thinking I just didn't want to go at all, but because he did call, I couldn't cancel. So I took some nyquil and hoped I would at least stay awake. The plan was that all of us friends, about 4 or 5 couples would all pile in vans and head to SLC, Go to dinner, then to a laser light show (Pink Floyd). When Wes arrived to pick me up my mom had just arrived home from work so she looks him up and down and says "Who the heck are you, and what do you want" I was like oh great, and Wes was like hmmm her mom is nuts. So we get in the van with 2 other couples. Wes and I take the back bench, the longest bench. We sat very far away from each other. I was nice, but I felt like crap. He thought I was stuck up I am sure! We get to SLC, and go to the Olive garden. We sat by each other and didn't say a word most of dinner. I ordered fettuccine he got spinach fettuccine (Florentine). Toward the end of dinner, he told a really dry joke ( he is famous for his jokes, he always is the first one to laugh at his jokes too!) So he starts laughing at this joke that really wasn't that funny (sorry babe, love me?) then there was a delayed laugh from everyone around us. I people sitting directly across from us were crying they were laughing so hard. This made Wes laugh harder at himself. I finally for the first time all night looked straight at him while he was laughing, on his big front tooth was a massive piece of spinach. He was not aware of this, he just thought he told a fabulous joke. I seriously started laughing so hard, his friends were trying to get the words out to him that he had food in his teeth all they could do was point. When he finally figured it out he was mortified. I was a little embarrassed for him, poor kid. This isn't the end of the date though there's more...

We head to the laser show, and can I tell you, I was so glad that I got to wear 3d glasses. It meant I could sleep and he would have no idea! So I tried to sleep but I kept thinking he would figure it out, so i would rest one eye at a time, remember I took NyQuil before I left. On our way home we made a stop at a gas station to fuel up, Wes goes inside and buys like 3 candy bars...and eats them all in front of me...didn't even offer me one....I wouldn't have excepted because heaven forbid he see me eat candy....but I was so mad he didn't offer. The rest of the ride I fell asleep and didn;t even care if he saw, I don't think he did, cause he was enjoying his TREATS. So I am the first to be dropped off, when we pulled up to my house it was about 2 am, I looked right at him and said "You don't need to walk me to the door"....he gave me this stunned look, like he was scared of me...and I went in, shut the door and thought to myself thank goodness that is over!

And here we are 12 yrs 3 kids later....happily ever after ...a weird 1st date;) So this picture I am posting is actually on our 1 year anniversary, we were sealed in the Logan Temple this day. We don't look much older than we did the day we got married.....time for h's meds ~night E

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Calling all poli si junkies...

So if you are at all interested in politics, my sister has a good debate going on in her comments so feel free to visit here, leave a comment! ~E


Whiz got his tonsils out today. He is pretty miserable. We got to watch the surgery on TV, WOW, I can see why it is the most painful surgery i ever had....seriously I would have 10 more babies before I had my tonsils out again. Poor kid. After they brought him back to us, he asked us like 3 times if his tonsils were gone yet. LOL. He is our deep sleeper. Two nights ago Aguado and I were watching a movie and here comes whiz out of his room. He had been asleep for about 2 hours. He looked at us and said " I need to find the ring" he kind of whispered it really loud, like he was trying to hide from someone. (side note his fave video game at the moment is Lord of the Rings) Aguado asked him if he was playing a video game, and he looked at us like, duh, no. Then I said are you Frodo? Then he was like duh, yeah. We started to laugh at him and he got frustrated and went back to bed, to funny! I am sure the next few days will be filled with funny conversations and weird moments. I love my whiz he keeps us on our toes! I will post a pic as soon as I figure how to bluetooth them from my phone to the lap top. ~E

Monday, October 6, 2008

Here is the Pic for today. It was taken in April or May of 95. I believe it was Sr. Prom night. We totally had not planed on going...Aguado was not in High School so I was not going to have him take me. But at the last minute we were with a group of friends and decided to go. I didn't even wear a formal dress, it was pretty fun! The best part about it was not having to spend an arm and a leg on a dress. I love last minute plans, spontaneity is the best! Sorry the pic is blurry, it's just a wallet size, I think the big one got blown over to Wisconsin!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Random Pics of the Weekend...

Holy Cow, something got into Aguado's britches today because he was on fire! He did so much house work I was amazed and am almost speechless! He did like 15 loads of laundry, changed the sheets on our bed, cleaned our room, MADE DINNER! He also found time to watch Vh1 classic concert, Motley Crue...LOL...the memories! I know there are folks out there who still like hair bands, but I am over them!(Wes is not a fan of Motley Crue BTW)

I decided to chase Whiz around the house and take pictures of him. He hates having pics taken! I worry that my readers won't even know he exists.

I got this cute pic of Lollie while we were folding laundry. She fell asleep snuggling with one of Aguados shirts...too cute!

Opposition in All Things

I loved this weekend. I always love General Conference Weekend. As I listen to the talks and counsel this session I heard "Opposition in all things" said many times. After every session (every 6 months) I always try to sum up the message. A year ago I felt it was missionary work, in April it felt to me like it was all about family. And this weekend, I feel like the message was loud and clear, at least in my mind and opinion. Opposition, it's going to happen, trial s will come but do not fear, as long as we are faithful, live the commandments, seek after good things we can and will come out on top.

I believe in order to progress and become more Christ like, we have to face opposition. In my life I can look back at all my trials and take something good away from it. I am going through some right now and I am not sure what the purpose is, but as long as I Pray and keep the faith I know I can overcome and be better for it. Something that I do fear and have a hard time with, is watching my children struggle through their own oppositions, and not wanting to fight the battle for them. How grateful I am for prayer, for the fact that I know, I am not ever alone, in my worries. I am grateful for the teachings of Christ and the Gospel and for The
plan of Happiness. My hope is that i can teach and convey to my kids not to live life in fear of the unknown, but to live life with faith in knowing that they can weather the storm and come out on top,better than they were before.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Picnic up The Canyon

This picture of Aguado and I was taken right after we got engaged. We made a trip up to Washington State to see my dad and his wife.

Yesterday there was no school! So Tootsie and Aguado decided that we should all go on a picnic. We went up to 2nd dam in the Logan canyon. It was fun, we walked around and took pictures. The leaves are falling off the trees I can't believe how fast winter is coming!

"If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself." —
Albert Einstein

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Engagement Pic and a Llittle Exercise!

This Photo is the one we used for our Wedding announcement and invitation. Doesn't Wes look young!!! We had this photo done at Mac Park in Smithfield, up against the Lodge.
I am so proud of my self I got the kids off to school and decided to do a biggest loser workout! By far it is one of my favorite exercise video's. Lot's of squats and lunges! yesterday I decided to put on my pedometer. It's been a while. A healthy active person should walk 10000 steps a day. I only walked half that yesterday. I like to monitor my steps because if I am not getting them all in on any certain day I can park far out in parking lots, take the stairs, adjust so that I can reach my goal. I am going to start monitoring my activity on a side bar...keep myself accountable, ya know?
I cleaned for my good friend Bee today. I love being able to go visit her. She' in her 80's and doesn't get around to well. I have been cleaning for her now for 7 years this month. I look up to her so much. she has raised very successful children and has traveled the world. She reads books like crazy. 5 books a week. I believe this has kept her mind young, truly.
Woo-Hoo, My baby Sophie just rolled over! It was the cutest thing...she has an iron will! She grunted and grunted....oh she is growing fast!
That's all for today, have a great day folks! ~E

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Best month ever! Yes, only my opinion, but, seriously. Such a pretty month. I have always loved it, at least as far back as I can remember. It's cooling down, The trees look fabulous, the Holidays are well on their way. You can't forget General Conference, deffenatly a highlight! Aguado and I got Married in October! Yep it's coming up on 12 big ones. I am hoping to post some picks of us this month, I thought of doing a new one each day until our anniversary, but I still don't have a scanner! I might stoop low enough and take a pic of a pic, yes that is what I will do. Maybe I'll get a printer for an anniversary present *wink*.

Today I get to go read with Tootsie's class, I am way excited! Oh, and last night we took our Young Women group Target Shooting, how fun is that? Really. Fun. the girls loved it, most of them brought their dads so it was a great daddy daughter activity.

Tootsie got home from school yesterday, it was her first day back sense the tonsils were removed.

Me: how was your day toots?

Her: it was the WORST day ever!

Me: (thinking oh boy, here we go all about her throat hurting) What happened...

Her: I was in the lunch line and so-and-so (a boy) KISSED ME ON THE CHEEK!

Me: WHAT?!? you are kidding tootsie, no way!

Her: Mom he really did, but don't worry I ran to the drinking fountain and washed it off!

My mind: I secretly almost had a heart attack, things like "you're too young, who is this kid, where was the teacher, harassment...." all ran through my mind....then I just had to take a deep breath and realize that at least he didn't punch her or something. On a side note..I do get to meet him today! LOL

That's all for now, enjoy the pics of Lollie! oh and I am going to try to take a pic of aguado and I in a pic...does that make sense...... ~E
Ok, so the bridal pics were taken in Sept of 96, that incidentally is not the dress I got married in. The photographer compared me to a whale in that dress so I got rid of the dress and the photographer....LOL these are the only bridals I had done though.