Tuesday, October 28, 2008

tHingS i loVe 101

  1. Red
  2. soPhieS SmiLe
  3. RaiNy daYs
  4. FriDaYs
  5. JesUs
  6. saLmOn
  7. a CleaN hOusE
  8. ReadIng
  9. DiSney LaNd
  10. gReEn BeanS
  11. GerBer DaisEys
  12. camP firEs
  13. HaYdens GiGGle
  14. mY beD
  15. InDoOr PlumBing
  16. LauGhing
  17. poP CorN
  18. fReSh Cut grAsS
  19. PilatIs
  20. mY laPtoP
  21. EBAY
  22. silence
  23. thE OffICE
  24. MagnoLia TREES
  25. AutuMn
  26. GracIe's aTTitude
  27. hoLidaYs
  28. The fIrsT SnoW
  29. THE Temple
  30. sPrite wiTH VAniLLa
  31. butter
  32. reMemiNicing
  33. wes' JOKeS
  35. walks
  36. SilEnCe
  37. GraCie's Hair
  38. marShMeLLows
  39. tHe SmeLL of CoFFee
  40. wood floors
  41. ChriStMas TrEEs
  42. ColDplaY
  43. ThinkIng
  44. CuddLing With My Dog
  45. HaydEnS BraIn
  46. Old Barns
  47. EnCyclaPedias
  48. NetflicKs
  49. SingiNg HYmNs
  50. Maple TREEs
  51. MoMs Fried CHIckEn
  52. TeaSinG
  53. HaYlEY
  54. PePPerminT TeA
  55. late night talks in bed
  56. mamma mia
  57. my dad
  58. my mom
  59. AnGELs
  60. DisCoVERy ChaNNel
  61. UseLess INforMation
  62. giving
  63. recieving
  64. Amber Dancing
  65. NAtelli JoKing
  66. RanCh DressiNg
  68. skipping
  69. PlayIng TripOli
  70. SaMs club
  71. HaMpton Inns
  72. Leather
  73. AmberS SpellIng
  74. Grandma Joan
  75. KiDney Beans
  76. CrushEd Ice
  77. Old PeoPle
  78. my moms bikE
  79. Windy Days
  80. the garbage man
  81. wes' job
  82. motherhood
  83. ModErn Medicne
  84. holistiC MedicIne
  85. MounTains
  86. CleaN Water
  87. email
  88. insUraNce
  89. my kids' friends
  90. strawberries
  91. pacifiers
  92. electricity
  93. faith
  94. the goodness of people
  95. cheesecake
  96. my in-laws
  97. colettes house
  98. band aids
  99. heavenly father
  100. music
  101. each day....is a gift


Natelli Johnston said...

what about my dancing?

Wade said...

Great idea to list everything makes you really think about what matters!!!