- Red
- soPhieS SmiLe
- RaiNy daYs
- FriDaYs
- JesUs
- saLmOn
- a CleaN hOusE
- ReadIng
- DiSney LaNd
- gReEn BeanS
- GerBer DaisEys
- camP firEs
- HaYdens GiGGle
- mY beD
- InDoOr PlumBing
- LauGhing
- poP CorN
- fReSh Cut grAsS
- PilatIs
- mY laPtoP
- silence
- thE OffICE
- MagnoLia TREES
- AutuMn
- GracIe's aTTitude
- hoLidaYs
- The fIrsT SnoW
- THE Temple
- sPrite wiTH VAniLLa
- butter
- reMemiNicing
- wes' JOKeS
- walks
- SilEnCe
- GraCie's Hair
- marShMeLLows
- tHe SmeLL of CoFFee
- wood floors
- ChriStMas TrEEs
- ColDplaY
- ThinkIng
- CuddLing With My Dog
- HaydEnS BraIn
- Old Barns
- EnCyclaPedias
- NetflicKs
- SingiNg HYmNs
- Maple TREEs
- MoMs Fried CHIckEn
- TeaSinG
- HaYlEY
- PePPerminT TeA
- late night talks in bed
- mamma mia
- my dad
- my mom
- AnGELs
- DisCoVERy ChaNNel
- UseLess INforMation
- giving
- recieving
- Amber Dancing
- NAtelli JoKing
- RanCh DressiNg
- skipping
- PlayIng TripOli
- SaMs club
- HaMpton Inns
- Leather
- AmberS SpellIng
- Grandma Joan
- KiDney Beans
- CrushEd Ice
- Old PeoPle
- my moms bikE
- Windy Days
- the garbage man
- wes' job
- motherhood
- ModErn Medicne
- holistiC MedicIne
- MounTains
- CleaN Water
- insUraNce
- my kids' friends
- strawberries
- pacifiers
- electricity
- faith
- the goodness of people
- cheesecake
- my in-laws
- colettes house
- band aids
- heavenly father
- music
- each day....is a gift
what about my dancing?
Great idea to list everything makes you really think about what matters!!!
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