Friday, April 24, 2009

a few pics and other random things

It's Friday!! I am so glad. I am going to a cabin in Idaho with some friends in a few hours. We are going to eat lots of healthy food and maybe a little bit of not-so-healthy food. I think we will play a lot of cards and do tons of chatting. Wes is going to hold down the fort while I am gone!

I am posting some pics of last weekend of my visit to My sisters. The picture of the popcorn has a little story behind it. She purchased that popcorn popper and we decided to test it out. Well, her little boys have never seen popcorn popped. They were mesmerized. The funny part is that Nat or I had never popped popcorn in a machine like that before. So with Taylor standing right next to it, it started to overflow, we all started screaming, and I started taking pics. Very funny to say the least.

Before I end my post I just want to do a little "Thankful" list, because it is always good to look at to put life and whats important in perspective.

1. I am thankful for my Kids. They are all so smart, and so mature beyond their years.

2. I am thankful for my family....Mom, Chuck, Dad, Leilani, Amber and Natelli. They are all great examples of unconditional love.

3. I am thankful for good friends who do things for me because they care....not out of duty.

4. I am thankful for my trials and the growth they have given me. I am thankful for the people who have risen to the occasion during our hard times. Trials can bring out the worst in people, but for the most part we saw how good people can be.

5. I am thankful for my faith In Jesus Christ, and in his Gospel.

Hope you all can make a quick list of what you are thankful for. ~E


Jenelle said...

I love your posts!

Kara said...

Those picutres of Sophie are so stinkin cute!

Avry said...

Cute cute kiddos! The popcorn looks like fun for the kids! Enjoy your time away with the girls :)

chchoo said...

Shophie is getting so big. She's hardly a baby anyore!