- I've been thinking a lot, many things roll through my mind through out my day.
- I've been having the same crappy dreams and I wake up emotionally jolted. I am either trying to keep my kids safe from a storm, looking for someone who is lost and desperately wants me to find them yet i have no idea who I am looking for, or not graduating from high school. Any psychologists that want to weigh in, feel free.
- Sophie has been quite the mess maker. She loves to "un-pack" things. Drawers, laundry baskets, the recycle bin... you name she un-packs it.
- I have been so grateful for Sophie. I almost didn't have her.
- I am wondering if the North and South poles should just move to Utah, that way they would stop melting (ice caps). Cause seems like winter is lasting all year long.
- Wes and I have not gotten to sleep before 1 am because we have so much to talk about. It really nice... but I get really sleepy in the day time.
- Gracie has a stomach ache that won't go away.
- I have really wanted to play cards.
- The Office on Thursday nights, has not been very funny?.
- But, Samantha who is back on television and it is.
- I have been enjoying reading in the bath.
- My kids have done a great job at doing their chores!
- Sophie is teething... can you say ornery?
- I've been thinking I should go back to school.
- Weight Watchers is making life easier
- Wes has been feeling better.
- I've seen my grandparents 2 times in less than a week.
- My blog has been getting more attention from me
- I've been blessed with great friends.
- The urge to go on another vacation keeps nagging at my soul
- I have trying really hard not to be judgmental towards others, I think I am doing pretty well.
- I've been wondering why I always have the urge to get a new car in the spring? I just keep reminding myself that I love my car because it is paid for.
- I am feeling hope, just in general. Down in my soul, I feel like good things are ahead.
Lately ~E
Hey, I sneak a peek at your blog every now and then and can I just say, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! Inside and out. I love reading about your triumphs, fears, and barf on the hall carpet (my daughter's closet floor has a similar appearance). I am pretty sure that you are an inspiration to those YW. You are to me! Keep up the great WW work and I hope to see you in August at my YW camp!
I dont think the office has been very funny lately either.. and a the idea of a vacation has been bugging me too. Maybe it is spring or maybe i just need some FUN!
I think the vacation thing is an epidemic. I've not had one in 6.5 years and am sooo ready for a break. Oh, and I think you look pretty hot in your pic. I covet your hair and skin. I also enjoy Samantha Who and if you would like to let me in on how you get your kids to do there chores, that'd be great. My kiddos are impervious to punishment :( Alas, I end my late night random comment.
We have about 4 episodes of the office DVR'd we need to do some serious catching up on it! As far as the dreams... it is really really wierd because I have had a TON of dreams lately too & poor Justin has to hear about them.. although mine are always about his ex and the situation. *sigh* BUT with your's it seems as if maybe your's are about the fears you have of protecting your family?
Dreams are wierd things aren't they?
Good for you & Wes staying up & talking to one another. I know we do that sometimes too & it makes for an exhausting day the next day but it is always worth it isn't it?? You & Wes have a really neat relationship.
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