Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring Break

It's winding down. Today is the last day of the break for the kids, and on a more literal note for the weather as well. We are going to be getting snow this week, argggha. Oh well, when you live in the desert it is always good to get as much moisture as possible. I won't complain anymore.

Here is a little rundown of the our spring break and Easter.

Thursday was just a lazy day around here, we didn't do much. The kids played with their friends and enjoyed that. It was a rather dreary day. I enjoyed a long hot bath and a book, kind of a way to treat myself.

Friday we packed up and headed to Layton to see my Grandparents. I am so grateful we did. Life gets so busy with day to day things and sometimes the most important things get pushed to the side. I hate admitting that because I am somewhat proud. Unfortunately visiting my Grandparents is one of those things that I sadly haven't done enough.

Recently my Grandpa has been diagnosed with a very serious illness. We told our kids and they are devastated. When we arrived at their house Hayden sat right by Grandpa and loved every second of it. When we got in the car to leave both of my kids said they weren't ready to go. They were both very concerned that they might not see Grandpa again, but, I reassured them they would. Hayden told us that he plans on praying for him several times a day. He also said that if Grandpa is not cured he is going to dedicate his life to finding the cure and he simply said " I will find the cure for Cancer". This brought a tear to my eye, because he was very Stearn. And I truly believe that this boy can make a huge difference and is destined to do so. I am biased because I am his Mother, but many , many people have seen it too. He is a genius and there is something about his essence that testifies that he has a mission, a purpose and he will accomplish it. Friday was a perfect day even if we had to eat at Chucky Cheese.

Saturday the kids just played with friends. While the Easter Bunny made last minute preparations. Hayden went to the Ward Lasagna cook off and lets just say at 3 am his body decided he had too much lasagna, now my entry way carpet will never be the same.

Sunday the Easter Bunny came and left too much, again. every year I try to tell him not to leave so much. But oh well. Wes took Gracie to church and I stayed home with Hayden and Sophie. Then we attended some family parties.

We had a great weekend and hope ya'll did too. Now we can look forward to the 4th of July. Time still seams to fly. Enjoy your day ~E

1 comment:

Avry said...

sounds like a perfect weekend! Enjoy your grandparents while you can it is sad to see them go. :( Glad you had a good visit with them!