Saturday, April 4, 2009

Wish I were here...


Natelli Johnston said...

hmmm.... me too.

meghan said...

oh man.... i wish i was there too!!!

angie said...

Great pictures! That looks like a lot of fun. I hope Wes is recovering nicely. I know Steve is missing him in Moab right now!

Kim said...

You and me both! It sounds like you guys had a lot of fun on your vacation. I'm glad you were all able to go and have that time together, Disney world is one of our favorites!
I'm so sorry to hear that Wes isn't feeling well, I hope that he is able to heal and be back to himself soon.

Sara said...

Fun pictures. I just have to say it is crazy how much your son looks like his dad!

I so want to be on that beach right now!

Avry said...

Love how Wes is always pulling faces! haha! your boy looks just like your hubby.. wowza! how are you recouping from everything (surgery, trip etc.)
Love the beach pics!

Jordan Jensen said...

well hope you guys had fun i wish i was there but sadly no love jordan jensen.