Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Just Busy!

It's been forever since I have sat down long enough to blog. Wow, I can't believe how bad I actually feel about that! So much has been going on I don't even know if I could ever get it all down. I thought I would just make a quick list of everything for future reference if i need anything to blog about. So here goes...

Dad came and went, and is now back again.
Niece's baptism
Wes' Birthday
Girls Camp (4 days of roughing it in the wild with 15 teenagers)
Wood floors and new paint(ugh...I am so sick of painting!)
Harry Potter!
Personal Training Progress
Sophie's 12 mo check up (19 lbs)
Sophie is Walking
Swimming lessons
Book group at my house

Still on the Calender for July!
July 24th (Utah's birthday)
Bunco at my house


My Dad's birthday
My sisters birthday
My nieces Birthday
kids in tennis
speaking engagement
book group
school shopping
school starts
mini vacation somewhere?
take young women to Bear Lake

After writing those lists I feel like summer is already over! Seriously? I have said it before, time flies! I am holding up amazingly well. I don't remember ever being so busy. i am so glad that I have been working with my trainer because I have had a lot more energy. What a blessing that has been. I am very fortunate. I can't wait to post pictures of all my endeavours, I think I will have to figure out how to do a slide show because i have s many! i will get around to it probably next week. until then this is all I have. Stay happy and Safe! ~E
book group


Avry said...

Yipee you updated! Glad you had a great time at girls camp. I was just released from Young Womens and I have been missing the girls so much!

Good for you for keeping up with the trainer! This morning I was a little frustrated with the scale & I told Justin I don't know why I bother working out so hard.. but then I realized if anything it gives me more energy & I feel better throughout the day. Good for you!

Jon and Becky Hall said...

You rock woman. Seriously you are busier than ever. I am so excited about your training I want to join.