Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tender Mercies

It's been a while! Talk about a rough couple of weeks! Sophie has been sick with this and that, and my teeth have been a mess! Needless to say things have been a bit crazy around here.

One especially bad night last week, I was tired and sat down for a minute. As I sat down, I happened to look at the clock. It was 5:30pm already! I felt like my day had just begun. I didn't feel like I got anything done, and was utterly depressed.  Any moment Wes was going to come in the door, Hayden was going to come up the stairs and Gracie was going to pull her thumb out of her mouth and they were ALL going to be HUNGRY!!! My brain was on it's last thread of energy, and it was lagging so much i had no idea what to make for dinner. I really didn't even know if I could stand up. 

As I was holding back an anxiety attack the door bell rang. When I opened it, I saw the pizza guy standing there. I didn't order any pizza I told him, but I should have. Then he said he knew. It was from some guy who paid for it, and he rode a scooter. I was like are you sure? Really? What a blessing it was. Who ever ordered that pizza for us was literally, knowingly or not guided by Heavenly Father. I call this a Tender Mercie from The Lord. I am so grateful to the scooter man and his wife for the pizza, and to my Heavenly Father. I leave you friends, with a guote from Elder Bednar of the Quourm of the Twelve.

the Lord's tender mercies are the very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindnesses, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts which we receive from and because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ


Avry said...

Wow that is really neat. The lord really works in mysterious ways doesn't he? Glad it could brighten your day. :)

angie said...

What a testimony builder. I find myself in need of a pizza man serveral days a week. Thinking of what to make for dinner is one of the hardest things for me. I am so glad it came at such a good time for you...hang in there. :)

meghan said...

what a great blessing. hope your days are getting better. i know days like that can be rough.

chchoo said...

Great story. Thanks for sharing!

Miss ~E said...

i love you mom.


Kim said...

Such a great experience, thanks for sharing it. I'm glad you were rescued.

Garrett and Heather Wood said...

that was the sweetest story. It made me think that I need to try harder to be that guy on the scooter for other people. THanks for sharing!--Heather