Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Lots of cake. Last night for our YW church activity we were taught cake decorating. Juli invited Tate Harris to come and demonstrate several how to make different frosting's. Then everyone got to decorate the cake they brought. It was wild. Tate is very talented in the kitchen and all in all we learned a lot. BUT, I think if any of the girls want to be professional cake decorators they will need to practice...LOL. I took several photos, the one of the cake in the garbage would be mine. I couldn't put my Weight Watcher program at risk so I had to throw it away. Please don't think I am wasteful, I had to do it. I did however have a piece of cheesecake that Tate demonstrated. It was fabulous, and I had the points saved up to eat it. We all had a great time. It's always fun to hang out with 13 teenage girls, never a dull moment. ~E


Avry said...

haha!! Why didn't you take the cake home & have your kids eat it? You gotta learn self control at some point right? ;) (easier said than done)
I find myself throwing away cake at my house because no one will eat it. But if it is cheese cake or brownies they are gone in a heart beat.. guess I am just not a cake person.

Miss ~E said...

my kids don't eat pastries of any kind cookies, cake, brownies. I would have een the only one to eat it. I did bring it home and let it sit over night though. It took a lot of self control to throw it away!

Avry said...

WOW I wish I was one of your kids!! That is a lot of self control!!

angie said...

From one Weight Watchers fan (although I haven't been to an actual meeting in a year) to another...great job on throwing the cake away! We did cake decorating in our YW, and it was a lot of fun! I love being in the YW program, it is definitley never dull.