Whenever we go to a store with a claw machine Hayden usually takes a stab at winning something for Gracie. And 70% of the time he does! The other night we all walked out of Smiths Marketplace and there was a claw! We gave Hayden 2 bucks to take a try. Sure enough...boom he gets a stuffed animal! He still had another dollar left, so why not try again? BOOM..he got another stuffed animal!
Lately I have been doing a lot of positive affirmations. For example: I am telling myself how abundant my life is in all aspects. The trick is to believe what you are saying. It has been proven time and time again that we are what we think.
Hayden proved the theory. He knew he would get a stuffed animal. And he received the toys with abundance! He always makes things so interesting. Who says the parents are the wise ones? Well kids can definitely humble us! ~E
I am a firm believer of affirmations. At a low in my life I was challenged to look at myself in the mirror every day & tell myself I was beautiful.. it was the hardest affirmation I had ever done but over time I finally began to believe it. I KNOW if you call it forth it can happen! AWESOME post! :)
Thanks for the tidbit, it's always nice to have a reminder, and kids are always great at doing that. I do need to think more positively about life also. When I actually take the time to sit back and look at my life I realize we are really blessed with that we have. :)
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