Thursday, April 2, 2009

Finally taking time to blog

I have been wanting to sit down and blog for days, but it just hasn't happened. Here is a real quick rundown of what's happening around here first.

Wes had surgery today, all went well and he should be up and around Monday or Tuesday. He was very brave.... ;) LOL.
As I might have mentioned I started weight watchers for the 3rd time on March 17th. I have been doing good with it. I have not had a bad day yet. I am down 4.5 pounds, so that is awesome. the other times I never could losesweight, but I was fit and felt very healthy. I have added a supplement to my diet it is called ASEA water. It helps to repair the cellular damage in my body. i truly feel like this is why my body is allowing the weight loss. My thyroid is practically dead, and I have what is called PCOS. Also, type 2 Diabetes. All of these things work against my me the weight loss, so when I find something that helps I am pleased. Don't get me wrong, the water is not for weight loss. Anyway I am over the moon to have 4.5 pounds gone forever.
I keep telling myself....Self, you can do this. You have been through many struggles. Divorced Parents, Financial woes, 3 high risk pregnancies, oh, and of course moving 4 times in the last year and surviving an ef5 tornado that destroyed everything I own. Self loosing weight will be a piece of cake compared to the rest of this. Consider it gone.
Isn't it Fabulous that I talk to myself?! Everyone does, I just admit it! Moving on....FLORIDA.
We had a great time on Vacation. It was our first time to Florida. Not really what I expected, very beautiful place. I hadn't ever been to anywhere Tropic so that was fun. We traveled during a week that the Midwest was being pummeled with storms. Our plane ride was the most thrilling ride we had. I don't think we will ever get Hayden on a plane again. can you say hyperventilate...yes he did many times. We stayed in a quiet condo development, it was nice. It had to big bedrooms, 2 big bathrooms, stone counter tops, a full kitchen, and a loft. It was really nice to have so much room. We visited Sea World the first day. It was our first visit to any sea world and we all enjoyed it. However, I did get a little jealous of the people who worked with the animals there. growing up I always wanted to be a marine biologist. Seeing them in person and watching the Shamu show brought a small tear to my eye, it is a truly beautiful show.

That is all for now my baby is yelling at me and Wes looks like he is going to heave. enjoy the pics ~E


Avry said...

Love the pics! ugh poor Wes hopefully his recovery will be speedy! Your trip sounds awesome & I am jealous you got to go somewhere warm while we all sat in the freezing cold!
Plane ride are NEVER fun bleh..

Congrats on the 4 lb weight loss.. I hate the weight loss/gain game it SUCKS!! If I could only tell my mouth to quit eating!! Keep up the good work that is a lot of weight in just 2 weeks!

meghan said...

Looks like you guys had an awesome trip.. Im glad to hear that Wes is doing well after his surgery.
also CONGRATS ON 4.5 POUNDS! a pound is a pound. at least that is what i say. im excited to start trying to lose weight again now that i am not preggers anymore=)

Ruth said...

Sounds like you had fun. I'm trying to do my Weight Watchers at home. Not as easy. congrats on a good weigh in.