Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's Official!

I am going to college! I can't believe it! I am all registered for spring Semester at Utah State University. I have yet to declare a major. There are so many things I'd like to do.

When I tell people I am going back for the most part, everyone is excited! There are a few though that look at me me funny, like.... why are you so excited? I thought I would share my inspiration. that way when I have a rough time, or a class I hate I can look back and remind myself why.

So, when I was 9, my family relocated to Utah from New Mexico. It was a hard time financially for my parents. My Mom decided it would be best to go back to school so she could eventually provide some stability for us, my 2 sisters and I.

She set an example for me, I watched her work full time, raise 3 daughters, go to school full time and most importantly show great determination, self discipline, and Faith in the Lord and Jesus Christ. She did all this during one of the most tragic parts of her life. Amazing.

I want my children to be able to think of me the way I think of my Mother. I want to be an example to them, I want them to know that no matter how hard life can be, if they put their minds to it, they can succeed. I want them to know that they can lean of the Lord and his Gospel for support. Some of the things I remember most about my Mom...She tried her hardest not to study on Sundays. Also, no matter how long she had worked, or gone to school or spent time reading text books, it never failed that if I woke up in the middle of the night, I could creep in and look into her bedroom and see her praying on her knees, with her scriptures opened in front of her. And although I couldn't hear her out loud, I knew she was pleading for strength....and I know she was carried through those times because of her faith!

So there you go, that is why I am so excited. If I can just be half the example my Mom was I will be happy. Also, last night was awesome. When Hayden came home from school to find Wes and not me...all he could say was that he (hayden) was so proud of me. And when I picked Gracie up from School, she said "Mom it will be so neat to have you going to school, because when I say I hate school, I don't want to go I will think twice because you are going too!

How cool is that? ~E


Anonymous said...

wow, I already look up to you because you are beautiful, smart and fun!!!! Now I look up to you even more. I always wanted to go back to school and have never been brave enough, afraid I was not smart enough. Look at you smart cute and brave! I am saying yay for you! Love tons, Linda

Denise said...

Way to go Erin. That is always awesome to set a goal and then set out to accomplish it. You are an example to all around you.

meghan said...

I think it is Awesome! Good for you! I am hoping to go back soon, or I guess before to long. I am a semester away from graduation. Problem is I have not interest in doing, what I went to school for. Oh well nothing like a fresh start.

Kristi Jensen said...

You made my day on Monday by coming up to SOAR. I'm so proud of you! You are an example to me and always have been. I was blessed with three wonderful, perfect daughters, which made it so much easier for me to go to school! Now, you have been blessed with three wonderful, perfect children also, which will make it so much easier for you to go to school. I love you! Reading your blogg made me cry at my desk. But, they are tears of joy!

angie said...

Congratulations! You will do great! I always had the NO study or homework on Sundays rule, and I truly believe I was blessed because of it. I also remember one of my Institute teachers telling us that we had a great way to "cheat" on our tests and such...we can ask the spirit for help! Good Luck! You are setting a great example for your children. :)

Kim said...

That is so great Erin! You are going to love school, it just really feels great. I'm so glad that your kids are already seeing the great example you are setting for them.

Natelli Johnston said...

I am proud of you for going back. I hope I can do that too someday. Thanks for your nice comment.