Sunday, January 3, 2010


Funny how you take things for granted until they are jeopardized in some way isn't it? I woke up this morning feeling like I was drowning. I could here a horrible sound, shrieking I guess. It was me. And I could hardly catch my breath. I put myself in the car and went up to the hospital and it was confirmed that I have Pneumonia. Kind of crappy really. If I get any kind of a cold it just goes straight to my lungs because I have asthma. This to shall pass, thankfully due to antibiotics!

I am so blessed though, because I always have people ready and willing to help me out. My Mom rushed over and made a pot of soup and did my dishes. My In laws came and took my kids to church, my Sis came and took Sophie for the day and I had 2 fabulous friends offer help as well. I am so grateful for the power of the priesthood, in a few minutes I am going to get a blessing from my Husband, and because of that I know I will sleep soundly. Lastly, I look forward to when I can do Yoga again and take some long deep breaths, Oxygen is not something to take for granted, each breath gives life. ~E


Anonymous said...


naej w ! mm 32

Avry said...

Wow you have so much support. Sometimes I wish my mom & family lived closer. That is really neat that so many people could help you out while you were feeling so lousy. Hope you are feeling better. :)