Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Boy

I can never get a pic of Hayden because he hates the camera, BUT, he was in a mood and let me get some snap shots. 

I am still trying to the rate I am going we won't be to Disney World 'till this time next year!

We could use some prayers. Wes has not been feeling real well and he Finally went to the Doc. after lots of blood , a ct scan ,ER doc and a surgeon we know 3 things, He passed a Kidney stone, his hernia is wrapped around some of his bowel and his kidney labs came back questionable. OK, so I wanted to cancel the trip, but he will not! So he is scheduled for surgery the week we get back. Please pray that we don't end up in surgery in Orlando! Thanks all! Gotta Run !~E


angie said...

Oh, the fun of kidney stones! Our prayers are with you.

Kim said...

Poor Wes! We'll keep you guys in our prayers. I hope you all have fun at DisneyWorld! We took our kids a couple of years ago, and it was THE BEST vacation we've ever had. Btw I love your luggage, really cute. :)

Avry said...

Sorry to hear Wes isn't doing so well. Hopefully you can still have an enjoyable trip!