Monday, April 27, 2009


My little girl is 8! Where does the time go? Gracie surprises us everyday. She is funny, witty, quietly mischievous, head strong and very sweet. There is no doubt about the fact that she is her own person. Her Grandparents are her special friends, she would choose to play with any of them over any of her friends. She is very opinionated when it comes to her hair. When I am fixing it, it's her way or the highway. She always has something to say and has been that way since the day she was born. When she was delivered the Doctors thought they were delivering a dead baby.... but when they pulled her out she wailed! In my mind she was wailing... Hey! Here I am don't let looks deceive you. I may be small but I have a big spirit! We love her and can't imagine life without her!

8 Questions Answered By Gracie!
What is the best thing that happened to you this past year? Getting my new bike.
What is the most exciting thing about turning 8? I get to be baptized!
What is your favorite movie? Girls Just Want To Have Fun!
What is your favorite music to listen to? Hannah Montana.
Who are your best friends?  My cousins.
What is your favorite thing to do? Play piano.
Where do you like to eat? Iggys
What do you want to be when you grow up? A singer!


Kara said...

We are excited to have Gracie in Activity Day's with us! Happy Birthday Gracie!!!

Avry said...

Awww what a cutie! Happy 8th Birthday Gracie!

angie said...

Happy number 8! I love Girls Just Want to Have Fun!!