Monday, August 17, 2009

Gearing Up.

Summer is coming to a close. School starts on Thursday (strange day to start?). I am still in denial that I am about to have a child in middle school. Just yesterday he was running around in a diaper with a big smile all the time!
 Oh my Heavens do I hope he has a better middle school experience than I did.  Maybe it is just one of those mandatory things in life "Middle School Must Suck for All." Who knows. 
 Hayden actually seems pretty calm and collected about it. Wes took him up to White Pine and they walked his schedule, I think he will be just fine. We and his psychologist had a few apprehensions about him going to a school so far away, as apposed to one that was closer.  After a lot of thinking, pondering, and praying we decided to go ahead and have Hayden go to the school he is in the boundaries to. It could turn out to be just fine, and if he does have some psychological break down we can always reevaluate. On a side note. it was amazing how many people had an opinion on weather he should be able to switch schools to a closer school or go to the one he was assigned to.  As if they were the ones in charge, oh well it's done and over for now.

I would like to thank all of you for your comments and emails in support of me. I am so grateful for any words of encouragement. Seriously, after I post an entry like that I always wonder if I am just a raving lunatic, it means so much to have my feelings validated in a way. 
Thanks for all the positive vibes! Hugs to all!

So the last couple of weeks have been CRAZY. On one hand I am sad that it is the end of August, but on the other I love Fall! 
 Last Wednesday I gave a fireside to a girls camp before their testimony meeting. I didn't know anyone there, and I have been dreading it all summer. I have mentioned it before, but a few months ago I spoke in church and did horrific, so I was really nervous for this.  I am pleased to report that this went much better. I will never get used to talking about what happened, mostly because I still can't believe it happened.  HELLO a tornado wiped my material world off the face of the earth... so bazaar.  But every time I speak about it to a group of people, I remember a new miracle that I was blessed with, a Tender Mercy from my Heavenly Father. I walked away from the campsite last week feeling overwhelmed with peace, and the knowledge that Heavenly Father knows me, my family and our needs sometimes before we even have time to ask for help. I am blessed, and I am so very grateful.

We are in the last week of Tennis, I feel kind of bad because for most of the summer my kids have had to be out the door by 9 am for tennis or swimming, but it has been good for them. I have to think of ways to keep them active. Speaking of activity. My Personal Trainer has gotten married and moved away... so sad, for me, not for her. Our last workout was last Thursday and she tested me. No weight loss I am afraid, she was very surprised...I was not. BUT, on a good note I increased my core strength by half as well as my heart rate recovery time. I increased also in my endurance testing. I learned a lot from her and I know how far I can push myself, I will miss her. Hopefully I will be able to find something that works for me. Weather it's on my own or finding a workout  partner or hiring another personal trainer. Who knows.

Now for an update on my Garden. It has been overtaken by weeds...dang! But there are a lot of green tomatoes just waiting to turn red!! I can't wait to make Salsa and Spaghetti sauce out of them. I have been canning my green beans... there is nothing better than green beans out of the garden! The picture above is of one of my zinnias they too are starting to bloom, oh how pretty they are!

Thats about it for now, the next time I blog my children will be at school... how lovely that will be:) ~E


Avry said...

Wow you sound so busy! School starting on a Thursday is odd. hmm but hopefully Hayden will do well in the school he is going to. I am ready for summer to be over I am burned out on yard work & kids being home tormenting one another ;) Love love all the veggies although I am not as ambitious as you in the canning department! I want to be just haven't figured it all out. Side note on the trainer - Just remember you are building muscle & of course muscle weighs more than fat. Oh we sooo need to get together & chat!

meghan said...

Wow you are a busy Lady! Good Luck with getting those kids off to school. Im dreading the school year starting.

Tammy said...

Can I just tell you how wonderful you are? Almost every girl at camp came up to me and said that they loved your "talk" so much! They were so impressed and in awe over the experiences you shared with them. My own daughter even said, after we got home the next day, "I love Erin!"

You really connected to them and they will always remember the spirit they felt listening to you. You and your family are amazing, amazing people! Thanks so much for coming up and sharing it again even though you were nervous and worried. YOU DID A PERFECT JOB!!!!!!

In the words of Monkey from Kung Fu Panda..."we should hang out."