Thursday, April 30, 2009
Keep On, Keepin' On.
Weight Watchers this week has helped me maintain. I am so glad. Because of some issues going on this week I would have turned to food if not for Weight Watchers. However I did struggle Tuesday and blew all 35 weekly points. This means anything extra this week has to come from exercise points. No big deal, I can do it.
H1N1 Flu, pandemic....really? I am thinking why not just shut all schools down for 10 days. I feel like between the Government and the media...who do you trust. I feel like just keeping my kids home, I don't want the flu. Too bad the kids are core testing this week and next! I left Wes a text today and told him to rent a car and drive home. I don't want him flying on a plane! I think he'll fly anyway. Am I the only one feeling this way?
May 1st is just around the corner, like less than 2 hours away! Oh. My. Heck. It's been almost a year since the Tornado. The days are feeling strange because I am remembering exactly what we did each day a year ago. It is so strange, it's like I am counting down. We are starting to think of ideas about how we will commemorate the day (May 25). I think we will plant a tree or something along those lines. Just thinking about it puts a lump in my throat. The day brought so much depth to our lives, I can't even begin to explain the feelings I have right now. Because of that day, I live my life so much differently than I did before. It's kind of ,before I was living in 2-d. And now I am living life in 3-D. That's the best I can explain it. Everything has taken on new meaning to me. Family, unconditional love, pain, material wants and needs. True Friends, compassion, service, sadness, strength, testimony, life, prayer, Mother nature, the power to endure. It's all been magnified one way or another and I am so very grateful for that. I love and live intensely now because I know it can all be taken away so quickly. At the end of the day the most important thing is not the car you drive, how big your house is, the amount of money you have in the bank or not in the bank. It's all about how you lived your life that day in Comparison to Christ. I am not perfect, I have so much more to learn. I am grateful for everyday I have to keep on keepin' on. ~E
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The Claw....and the Laws of Attraction.

Monday, April 27, 2009
My little girl is 8! Where does the time go? Gracie surprises us everyday. She is funny, witty, quietly mischievous, head strong and very sweet. There is no doubt about the fact that she is her own person. Her Grandparents are her special friends, she would choose to play with any of them over any of her friends. She is very opinionated when it comes to her hair. When I am fixing it, it's her way or the highway. She always has something to say and has been that way since the day she was born. When she was delivered the Doctors thought they were delivering a dead baby.... but when they pulled her out she wailed! In my mind she was wailing... Hey! Here I am don't let looks deceive you. I may be small but I have a big spirit! We love her and can't imagine life without her!
Friday, April 24, 2009
a few pics and other random things
Thursday, April 23, 2009
— Bill Cosby
— George Burns
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have
lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must
do the thing you think you cannot do." — Eleanor
RooseveltThis quote is the anthem of my life right now. I do feel like I have stared many challenges down and not only survived them but am a better person because of them. In a previous post I mentioned one of my biggest challenges is my weight. I am happy to report that today was another weigh in and I am down another 2.4, 7 lbs all together. If you add in all the water weight gains and losses its closer to 22 lbs. I am so happy about this. Previously when I did Weight Watchers, I didn't have the same success. I did it for 9 months. I stayed on a strict plan. But I only lost a total of 5 lbs. There are many reasons why this time around has been better.
1: My Thyroid has been regulated much better. I am now on a comfortable dose of meds. Before My doc was still experimenting.
2:This time around I am not letting the fear of not losing weight get to me. Before I was always so scared right before Weigh In. I truly believe I let fear take me over. This time I KNOW I have it handled. I am in control of me not my weight. i visited with an old Friend recently. And she likened my experience of the Tornado to a Phoenix rising from the ashes. I thought it was a very good analogy. Because I do feel stronger in many ways. Spiritually- because I have seen so many miracles happen right before my eyes. I know that God has the power to do all things. And if I ask for help he will help. Mentally- In my life I have had this thought process that if certain things were to happen, I would just lay down and die. This is so far from the truth. In those situations I have really had to dig deep, and in the end I have come out stronger. All these things make weight loss a piece of cake.
I am smiling today for many reasons, I am so grateful for today. I am grateful for the opportunity that I have to ramble on this Blog of mine. For those of you who read my rambling musings, thank you. I hope you all can be as excited about today as I am. ~E
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Praying For Dad
The lesson was titled "Supporting and Sustaining The Priesthood" in out church men who are worthy are given the priesthood. Supporting it would be supporting our church leaders and family leaders (dad). Taking it a little further you can think about it as supporting fathers, husbands, brothers....I read a story that kind of sparked some feelings in me and I would like to share it. The Man being talked about was a General authority and later a President of my church.
“The first time [I came] to the Salt Lake Tabernacle for a general conference of the Church I was awed by the immensity of the building, but even more by the room-filling presence of the General Authorities who were assembled there.
“In my growing-up years, many of them had visited our small branch in Montana. We had no television, nor could we receive conference on the radio. So we looked forward to each visit as a special blessing. They had, it seemed to me, a power and faith above other men.
“Then on [that] April day … I discovered one source of a General Authority’s strength.
“I was seated with the six children of Elder Ezra Taft Benson, one of whom was my college roommate. My interest heightened when President McKay arose and announced the next speaker. I watched respectfully as Elder Benson, whom I had not yet met, walked toward the microphone. He was a big man, well over six feet tall. He was a man with a Ph.D., a man internationally known as the United States Secretary of Agriculture and a special witness of the Lord, a man who seemed serene and sure, one who had addressed audiences throughout the world. Suddenly a hand touched my arm. A little girl leaned toward me and whispered urgently, ‘Pray for Dad.’
“Somewhat startled, I thought, ‘This message is being passed down the row, and I am to pass it on. Shall I say, “Pray for Elder Benson”? Shall I say, “You’re supposed to say a prayer for your father”?’ Sensing the immediate need to act, I leaned over and whispered simply, ‘Pray for Dad.’
“I watched that whisper move along the row to where Sister Benson sat, her head already bowed.
“Many times since that day I have remembered that message—Pray for Dad, the patriarch of the home. Pray for him as he serves as district president or home teacher. Pray for him when he becomes executive secretary of a civic group, when his business flourishes, or when he takes a cut in salary. Pray as he gives counsel in family home evening. Pray for Dad who works long hours so that Jerold can go on a mission and Diane can go to college. Pray for him as he speaks in sacrament meeting or gives Mother a blessing that she might
be made well again. Pray as he baptizes William or gives a tiny, newborn baby a name and a father’s blessing. And in the evening, should he come home tired or discouraged, pray for him. Pray for Dad in all that he might do—the small things and the great.
“As years have passed, general conferences have come and gone, and each time President Benson has stood to speak, I have thought, ‘His children, who are scattered across the continent, are united now in prayer for their father.’
“And I have come to believe that the brief message that passed along the row … years ago is the most important message a family can share. What extraordinary power and faith any man can have to meet the daily challenge of his life if somewhere in the world his daughter or son is whispering, ‘Pray for Dad’ ” (Elaine S. McKay, “Pray for Dad,” New Era, June 1975, p. 33).
After I read this story we all started to discuss. What if we all started praying for our Fathers. Most of us have them right? I believe, as most of you know, that each person has a great power with in them to change things for the good through prayer. If we all prayed for our Fathers maybe the world would start to heal, economically, spiritually, environmentally....the possibilities are endless.....something to seriously think about I think. God bless you all and your Fathers ~E
Friday, April 17, 2009
Me and the Girls!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

- I've been thinking a lot, many things roll through my mind through out my day.
- I've been having the same crappy dreams and I wake up emotionally jolted. I am either trying to keep my kids safe from a storm, looking for someone who is lost and desperately wants me to find them yet i have no idea who I am looking for, or not graduating from high school. Any psychologists that want to weigh in, feel free.
- Sophie has been quite the mess maker. She loves to "un-pack" things. Drawers, laundry baskets, the recycle bin... you name she un-packs it.
- I have been so grateful for Sophie. I almost didn't have her.
- I am wondering if the North and South poles should just move to Utah, that way they would stop melting (ice caps). Cause seems like winter is lasting all year long.
- Wes and I have not gotten to sleep before 1 am because we have so much to talk about. It really nice... but I get really sleepy in the day time.
- Gracie has a stomach ache that won't go away.
- I have really wanted to play cards.
- The Office on Thursday nights, has not been very funny?.
- But, Samantha who is back on television and it is.
- I have been enjoying reading in the bath.
- My kids have done a great job at doing their chores!
- Sophie is teething... can you say ornery?
- I've been thinking I should go back to school.
- Weight Watchers is making life easier
- Wes has been feeling better.
- I've seen my grandparents 2 times in less than a week.
- My blog has been getting more attention from me
- I've been blessed with great friends.
- The urge to go on another vacation keeps nagging at my soul
- I have trying really hard not to be judgmental towards others, I think I am doing pretty well.
- I've been wondering why I always have the urge to get a new car in the spring? I just keep reminding myself that I love my car because it is paid for.
- I am feeling hope, just in general. Down in my soul, I feel like good things are ahead.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Weight Watchers
Monday, April 13, 2009
Spring Break
Sunday, April 12, 2009
A Poor Wafering Man of Grief
Hath often crossed me on my way,
Who sued so humbly for relief
That I could never answer Nay:
I had not power to ask his name,
Whither he went or whence he came;
Yet there was something in his eye
That won my love, I know not why.
2. Once when my scanty meal was spread,
He entered; not a word he spake;
Just perishing for want of bread;
I gave him all: he blessed it, brake;
And ate, but gave me part again;
Mine was an angel's portion then,
For while I fed with eager haste,
The crust was manna to my taste.
3. I spied him where a fountain burst
Clear from the rock; - his strength was gone;
The heedless water mocked his thirst,
He heard it, saw it, hurrying on:
I ran and raised the sufferer up,
Thrice from the stream he drained my cup,
Dipped and returned it running o'er;
I drank, and never thirsted more.
4. 'Twas night, the floods were out, it blew
A winter hurricane aloof;
I heard his voice abroad, and flew
To bid him welcome to my roof:
I warmed, I clothed, I cheered my guest,
I laid him on my couch to rest,
Then made the earth my bed, and seemed
In Eden's garden while I dreamed.
5. Stript, wounded beaten, nigh to death,
I found him by the highway side;
I roused his pulse, brought back his breath,
Revived his spirit, and supplied
Wine, oil, refreshment; he was healed;
I had, myself, a wound concealed,
But from that hour forgot the smart,
And peace bound up my broken heart.
6. In prison I saw him next, - condemned
To meet a traitor's doom at morn;
The tide of lying tongues I stemmed,
And honoured him mid'st shame and scorn:
My friendship's utmost zeal to try,
He asked - if I for him would die;
The flesh was weak, my blood ran chill,
But the free Spirit cried, "I will."
7. Then in a moment to my view,
The stranger started from disguise;
The tokens in his hands I knew,
My Saviour stood before mine eyes;
He spake - and my poor name he named. -
"Of me thou hast not been ashamed.
"These deeds shall thy memorial be;
"Fear not, thou didst them unto me."
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Ever Wish Life Were A Little More Slow Pace?
These are photos from Disney's Animal Kingdom. We loved the Safari ride. It's always fun to see animals in somewhat of a natural state. I have days when I would love to trade places with one of these creatures. But only for a day, life would get pretty boring if you just had to eat and sleep all day, and wave to the occasional tourist.
I am so excited that it might be spring soon (crossing my fingers). Gracie, Sophie and I went for a short walk last night and it was wonderful. One of my favorite things in the spring and summer are evening walks. I can't wait!
We have had more sad news lately, this time about my Grandpa who is ill. I hate feeling so helpless in these situations. I am grateful for prayer, and the power that it holds. I know prayers are listened to and carefully answered. I have been trying to make it a habbit as of late to listen. Listen after I pray, for confirmation. I think sometimes I pray and forget to listen for the answer.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Quick update and few more pics
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Finally taking time to blog